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& emdr therapy

​counselling psychotherapy sessions​
50 - 55
video or phone
person directed
for more information about the psychotherapy frameworks we specialize in see details: here
All services are delivered in a shame-free space of personal safety, compassion and meaning building. This is your therapy. We work to build new meaning, insight and to offer skills or tools that support sustainable healing or change.
We work diligently to develop a trusting relationship with people by approaching all interaction from a thoughtful, inclusive and respectful stance.
Sessions are person centred: the appropriate intervention is determined by your own preferences, goals and interests - and we collaboratively change course as the wind directs your sails.​
All services are informed by the unique woven cloth involving identity, personal history, trauma, worldview, inter-generational trauma and cultural diversity.

​the willow rock approach to psychotherapy
psychotherapy or
emdr sessions
(50-55 min)
emdr extended sessions (90 min) are available.
If you are only seeking EMDR treatment, entry to service requires one 50m Intake session prior to starting emdr therapy.
Prices subject to change periodically.

​emdr psychotherapy sessions
for more details on what is emdr therapy click: here ​
50 - 90
directed treatment
We approach all Traumatic experiences gradually with the intention for healing in a shame-free space of respect, safety and compassion.
We honour the Parts of you that carried you through surviving the most disturbing and painful experiences of your life. We ask for permission from these Parts before proceeding.
Your nervous system is in charge of the pace. It will always set the speed and appropriateness for the next stages of your treatment. (a.k.a all trauma services are polyvagal informed)
We begin with the end already in mind. All trauma services start with stages that strengthen your resilience and ability to tolerate stressful or activating experiences and to self regulate in session and at home,
Some sessions are extended to adhere to what neuroscience, psychology and polyvagal theory confirm attain the most effective outcomes. ​
​the willow rock approach to emdr therapy
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