do you see yourself anywhere on this roadmap?
Sometimes it helps to know you're not alone
when you're thinking about
reaching out for extra support.
Inner pain can feel like...

​beliefs that you are bad or flawed
self blame or criticism
intense guilt, shame, resentment, anger or apathy
survival mode or burnout
uncontrollable worry
fear of judgement, being perceived or making mistakes
social anxiousness or comparing
identity crisis or existential pain
gender or sexual uncertainty
flashbacks or nightmares
rehearse, replay, re-feeling harsh experiences
overanalyzing your behaviours
trouble relaxing in my body
numbing out or loosing time
overwhelm, over stimulated,
Outer pain can feel like...

battling with a toxic workplace or living situation
adverse experiences and injury
overworked, overscheduled
chronic pain, or illness in self or loved one
abuse, drama or chaos in relationships
mental / emotional abuse in friend groups or fellowships
bullying or misuse of power
people pleasing / fawning
grappling with life transitions
social awkwardness or disconnect
some people leave therapy feeling..
self regulated
calm nervous system
stress relief​
emotional release
seen & heard
a new perspective
more skillful
in charge of boundaries
self aware
mindful of the situation and how to navigate them
aligned with a Higher Self